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Outpatient Programs

Our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) provides a single, comprehensive hub for clients seeking treatment for their mental health and/or substance use issues.

Clients work directly with our caring, highly trained staff to develop a person-centered care plan tailored to their individual needs and goals. The Bridge partners with Ryan Health, a licensed health clinic, to offer behavioral and primary health care under one roof. We promote a positive, secure, and non-judgmental environment to help every individual feel safe and empowered.

Outpatient Treatment

Comprehensive Behavioral Health Care

Our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) provides comprehensive services for clients seeking to manage their mental health and/or substance use diagnosis by working directly with our caring, highly trained staff to develop a structured care plan tailored to their individual needs and goals.

Outpatient treatment + Rehabilitation
Substance Use Treatment
Personalized Recovery
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Outpatient Programs

For more information about these programs or to make a referral, please call 212-663-3001 x 1372 or email

Services Offered

Mental Health Outpatient Treatment and Rehabilitative Services (MHOTRS)

MHOTRS provides clients with individual and group treatment to address their behavioral health needs.

Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS)

With the support of dedicated 1:1 professional staff and access to a variety of interesting and engaging groups, participants learn both basic living skills and applicable coping strategies for their mental health barriers while engaging with their peers inside program as well as in the community.

Center for Wellness and Change (CWC) Substance Use Treatment

The CWC provides a range of services for people who use drugs or who have used in the past. Our treatment is from a harm reduction perspective that promotes recovery, personal growth, self-reliance, and community integration.

Impaired Driving Program — The Bridge provides screenings and assessments, through the Impaired Driver Program, for individuals mandated by the courts for DUI or DWI offenses. Services can either be covered by insurance or self-pay.

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